Places I Need To See: Texas Adventure…Space Center Houston — A Feeling of Chaos (Re-blog)

I have a love/hate relationship with space. All I want to do is learn more about this terrifyingly vast and potentially infinite, mysterious unknown that we are born into and hurtling through at incomprehensible speeds. I have honestly had mild panic attacks sitting down outside on a clear evening gazing at the stars… have you ever leaned over the railing from a skyscraper or cliff edge and had that sweaty palm moment? I get that sometimes whilst gazing at the skies.

I don’t think that is a common effect of something so romantic and breathtaking, and that being said, it doesn’t stop my fascination. If anything it helps to build it.

A Feeling of Chaos has typed up a nice piece on her visit to the NASA Space Center in Houston, a place I would love to see in my lifetime. To see a shuttle would be amazing. To see it piggy-backed by a 747? No words.

This immense power and capability only makes me wonder what the future has in store. I admittedly have been following Elon Musk’s SpaceX updates more than NASA, as he has been putting in some damn fascinating plans for Mars exploration and population. Will this be a competitor for NASA? If anything helps technology move forward, it is competition.

That being said, I am very jealous of this visit! You can read all about it below.

I am totally and utterly in love with outer space; and I have been since I was in the 6th grade. Anything and everything about space makes me act like a little kid in a candy shop. So I figured I would do whatever it took to visit Johnson Space Center…or at least the visitor […]

via Texas Adventure…Space Center Houston — A Feeling of Chaos

Travel Diary: So long America, it was fun :(

I wanted to find an image that represents the USA in differing ways for this post, I decided on this picture taken in Austin, TX.

The famous yellow taxi. Glass highrises dwarfing the one storey eateries lining the grid traffic systems. Right lane driving. These all stand out to me as a British traveller.

My home city of Durham bans building over two storeys high in some areas to prevent obscuring any views of the cathedral, or so I was taught on a geography trip back in school. Grid systems would be ideal, sadly this is impossible when our city was built when horses were the main mode of transport. It was also important to build in an area that was difficult to conquer, common throughout Europe. It is a city that has always taken my breath away, not just because of the views but the effort needed to walk up to the market place. You can see why the centre is pedestrianised, and how this spot was perfect for the building of a castle and cathedral.

Credit: Van Rhijn Aerial Photography

But this post is about the New World. Today, I received notification that my US visa expired. It isn’t something that I have looked to renew as I have spent the years since 2010 in Malaysia, Brazil and short breaks in Europe. A lot happens in this space of time. I lost my father and uncle in recent years which of course took the wind out of my sails. I had no ambition to travel at all but thanks to great friends and amazing family, I got back on my feet. I would love to have went back the States and it feels weird that I haven’t, I made great friends and still keep in touch.

Sometimes we don’t get upset that something is over until it is over. I haven’t thought much about the visa still being valid but now I see it isn’t, I slumped a bit. If anything it is a reminder that I need to visit this great nation once again, one so vast that one image alone cannot portray the United States of America accurately. I miss the food, the friendly people, the numbered streets and alphabetised avenues and people thinking I’m Irish or Australian.

My visa expiring has inspired me to visit again one day!