I need a beer.

Today has been hectic. I haven’t had the chance to blog at all and I was have really enjoyed riding this wave of motivation. But it wasn’t the motivation that got me, it was work.

I was woken up by a voicemail from my manager at 8.30am. I was expecting to be off so I set my alarm for a little later.

‘Hey give me a call back, I have a shift for you’.

I have been begging for shifts recently as hours are scarce, so despite hardly being able to open my eyes I called straight back.

I didn’t know that this shift would be in an hours time…

Thankfully the hostel I am staying at is in viewing distance of my hotel, so time wasn’t an issue. I honestly cross a crossroads and I am there, waiting for the green man probably takes as long as the walk itself. It is weird being so close to work that I can be given an hours warning of a shift I wasn’t aware of, and still be able to take a long shower. It has certainly been a pro amongst the cons of hostel life.

I had walked into the hotel during the check out period (up to 11am), but being such a huge hotel check in’s were occurring. Some VIP groups, some airline crew. Two guests checking in asked me what the emergency services and media were doing on a nearby street, I didn’t know. Hospitality can be like that, we can get so much information from people around us and at the same time be so busy that we have no idea what is happening around us.

I do more check in’s at this hotel before 11am than I did all day in other hotels. This one is huge. There is just a constant buzz around the place and always something going on. We had Chinese New Year celebrations happening in house, with a huge dinner taking up a whole ballroom. Dancing dragons and beating drums took over the reception area at 6pm, before making their way up the escalators and leading the huge group to their event. This occurred as airline crew were checking out for their next flight, I wish I could take pictures at work to show you how active the lobby was during this moment of organised madness.

As I am trying to keep my work and blog life separate, I do not want to disclose where I work or too much information about my job. I’m no MI5 though, honest.

We then had a another VIP arrive, however as the concierge team were so busy I left the desk and assisted with getting the tour group’s gear to the room. This is the kind of thing I love about hotel life, we get to mingle with people that are literally idols to their fans. It makes me grateful despite the hectic nature and having to stay back longer than I should have isn’t a big deal.

I was planning to leave by 6.30pm latest, however I ended up staying until 9pm. Not a bad days work considering I was going to be off today. But sadly my time in Brisbane is coming to an end and I need all the hours I can get to fund me until I find a job in Melbourne mid March. So despite being grateful for the hours I gained today, I wasn’t blogging. I have spent so much time on my blog that it feels weird when I have a few hours away from it. I still think of posts to write about, I just can’t start them. But a quick draft entry to come back to later on will do.

So sorry for being a lot less present today than I have been, I feel like I have been engaging a lot with you all and then suddenly went cold. But I need to remind myself that it was only for one day, and the reason was out of my control. But I hate when I can’t blog as it is something I have done for years and it is just weird not doing it. And for that reason a day feels more like a week. It is a hobby that I enjoy, and I don’t enjoy having it taken away.

But here I am having a beer, with a whole day off tomorrow. I hope…

I’ll speak to you all again soon.



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Happy blogging,



Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

20 thoughts on “I need a beer.”

  1. I think most readers are realistic and accept nobody can commit to the blog all of the time, you’re fine to take a breather for whatever reason and catch up later ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 4 people

    1. We all need a breather every now and then I guess, sometimes time away from blogging whether it be intentional or not is good to think of new things and stay sane ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi, Sam. New reader here. But how about looking at it this way: instead of viewing it as a day away from blogging; perhaps view it as a day in which you were gathering anecdotes and fresh matierial about which to write. Writing/blogging isn’t just about the posts; it’s about all that other stuff that goes into what you post. I was a full-time writier years ago, and the reality is that my writing product (a blog post, article, book chapter, etc…) was alway better for time spent *away* from the act of writing. I think today is a win win for you: an extra day’s income, plus a whole day of non-writing activities from which to draw upon in future posts! Happy journeys to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a good way to look at it, and when I am away from my blog that is what I am doing, or trying to do at least. Thank you for the positive attitude, I will try to have this mindset whenever a day like this comes along!

      I hope you are having great weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re so sweet. I’m new to your blog so I’m still learning about what your blog is about but I like it so far. ๐Ÿ™‚ And that sounds like a hectic but interesting job and it sounds like it goes with your enjoyment of traveling. I can totally understand about what blogging means to you and it’s great that you make such a big effort to be active and responsive ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you enjoyed your beer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Don’t worry, I am still learning what my blog is about xD

      I do love my job though, despite the hecticness. And I also love blogging, but sometimes having a beer helps in between ๐Ÿ˜€

      Thank you for the kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

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