Why I didn’t have a blog post today

I wasted today. Which is very annoying as I am trying to be as productive as possible every single day. You know those days in which you have an alarm set for your 7am shift at work, you miss the alarm and have 5 missed calls and voicemails from work asking why it is 9.45am and you still aren’t there? That was my day today.

I woke up pretty fast. And I almost messed up again as I didn’t realise the 5th message was asking me to come in at 3pm instead, meaning a last minute dash to get in. I stayed until 11.30pm and successfully wasted what could have been an early finish and a free evening.

I was watching a Jordan Peterson lecture last night about creativity. He is currently touring Australia and there is a chance I may meet him through work, which is pretty cool. He stated in this lecture that anyone desiring to be creative needs to hold down a job to finance them as monetizing creativity is pretty damn hard. But this also means that time to be creative is halved. So making sure to use this free time is very important.

So a wasted day feels very shitty. Especially when it is self inflicted and we know we could have done better. And with every year flying by at a seemingly faster and faster rate I really value my free time. And I know that after this post I won’t get that ‘you’re on a 14 day streak on WordPress, keep it up!’ which is crappy. But what can you do.

Actually, a lot. For starters, wake up to that damn alarm call.


Featured Photo by Adrien Robert on Unsplash


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Happy blogging,


Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

35 thoughts on “Why I didn’t have a blog post today”

  1. We all know that making money from creative pursuits is very difficult that’s why all creatives are always told get a real job so you have stability in your life and an income to support a future family with. It’s usually either we rebel and work our socks off to be successful or we capitulate and do the normal things returning to our creative selves in our retirement. It’s up to you what path you choose.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I for one certainly don’t want to wait for retirement! Not everyone makes it that far. Working and doing something we enjoy on the side is what I shall do and see where it takes me. It helps if we enjoy what we do for work in the mean time too!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 🙂 The biggest irony is that this explanation as to the reason why you didn’t have a blog post today is indeed a blog post.

    Anyway, I truly hope that things go in your favour and that you always find the time to blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha true, although I typed this up after midnight so I didn’t have a blog post at all yesterday. However I realised most people were in an earlier timezone so I still referred to that moment as ‘today’.

      Also, I still have a posting streak on WordPress! 17 days in a row apparently…

      Thank you for the kind comments!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Sam, great to talk to you…would you please reply to this comment??
    I have started a new blog and I am 15 years old…want your support…please follow my blog and like and comment it…please,please,please
    Your true fan
    Blog : goeplanet.wordpress.com

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate the kind words here. I wish I started blogging when I was 15, keep at it and I am sure it will do very well!

      All the best 🙂


  4. Think of it this way — as you told me — even if you don’t know what to post, post about not knowing what to post. SO in that in mind, remember nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. Catching up on sleep is important, even when your alarm is going off 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s a rough day! Sorry to hear it!
    As a perfectionist and a type A personality, I resonate with your disapointment. Try not to be too hard on yourself though. I’ve launched a number of small businesses and blogs with the same mindset of getting out there and moving mountains daily. I just found that when I thought like that, it put an unnecessary amount of stress on myself. I often find myself thinking that I’m some superman who should be able to handle a crazy workload, but then I realized I would never ask someone else to do what I think I should be able to do. All that to be said, you of course know yourself best, but remember you are human as well. And because you are human, you’re allowed plenty of room to occasionally mess up 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You’re only you Sam. You’ve got all the time in the world. I’m hitting 50 next year and well I’ve had days like that too.
    With that said I’m getting up. It’s 7:51am and time to have breakfast and some errands done. This afternoon I’m cooking for the homeless

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It’s good fun. I love to cook and no stress. We just cook whatever is donated to us. It’s more for the seniors or people who lives alone and is struggling to make ends meet. It’s a meal a week they don’t have to worry about.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey, we all have those days. The good thing is, you’re not living it every day, right? Even if your free time is cut in half, just make sure you’re using it to make yourself happy. That’s all that really matters. Happiness is EVERYTHING.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I’ve said it to several fellow bloggers; everybody needs an occasional break to prevent burn out. Realizing that allows you to come back fresh and ready to roll again. It’s fine to be human. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Sleeping through the alarm is one of my recurring nightmares! It is usually followed by further dreams of me trying to call work and not bring dexterous enough to press the buttons on my phone. Hope your work were ok about it. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That sounds very annoying! And the nature of your dream is actually pretty common. I have a similar one regarding not being able to function properly, usually when I am running from something I can’t run properly and a few friends have said they have this every now and then too xD

      Isn’t it weird how dreams can have these kinds of similarities?

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hello, sorry this is not a comment about your post but I do not know where and whom to ask for so when I see your blog I think you might be the right person ti ask i do not why..
    But my question is, how can I improve my blog?How can I have readers or how can I join with you? I want to write specially when I am feeling so emotional, angry, sad well as when I am so happy or get excited with something..
    I hope you could help me..I started with my blog year 2016 but still mine is so boring..😂😂Any suggestion ir help please…thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. No worries 🙂 Thanks for reaching out. I am on WordPress a lot and my blog really benefited once I started blogging daily. Blogging regularly and consistently is the most important thing, and this helps to improve writing and learning about the site a lot.

        It is great that you write when you are feeling these emotions, keep blogging regularly and engaging with other blogs like you are doing here and you will have a great 2019 I am sure 🙂


  11. I think being productive every single day is something we all struggle with and fell guilty about! The key is having a good routine and practicing good habits. Yes, we will still mess up, but over time we will get better at it!

    Liked by 2 people

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