Five years on WordPress and one week left in Brisbane

A pretty emotional week! It has only really hit me in the last couple of days that I won’t be in Brisbane much longer. My last shift is Friday and soon I will need to make my way to Melbourne. I am currently looking for work and I hope to get into work as soon as I land there.


And today, I got a notification that I have been on WordPress for FIVE YEARS. That makes my blog’s birthday 06/03/14. Happy Birthday to Not that it was called this back then, but my blog in general. It has changed style as it ages.

A lot changes in five years. Some for the better and some for worse. But the worst we have experienced should fuel us to see the better moving forward. Time doesn’t stop so we may as well try to make it amazing. If we live our lives with the aim of having the best next five years we can, it will be. Even if we have downfalls, they won’t hit us as hard as they could have if we went in with no motivation to have a more enriched life.

The world gives us constant reminders of this. Yesterday we heard the tragic news that The Prodigy frontman Keith Flint died by suicide. Very sad news, he was in a band my whole family loved and to be honest, I really can’t think of anyone that doesn’t like them or at least respect them.

I now feel very lucky to have seen them twice live, in possibly the most brutal crowds I have ever been in. Isle of Wight Festival 2015, literally five minutes into the gig my shoe popped off and was never seen again in the mania. I had to hop on one foot as it got stamped on about a dozen times, and I wasn’t able to walk properly for two weeks after getting back home. Great memories. They certainly knew how to put on a show and I will remember the crowd as much as I will the performance. You have to be great at what you do to get people that pumped up.

In fact, I would like to elaborate on this in my next post as festivals just put me in a good mood. Writing about them probably will too.


So I will be heading to Melbourne soon, expect plenty of posts from this great city as I finally give it the exploration it deserves. Will it be my favourite place in Australia? Who knows. But I really am looking forward to updating you all as I travel and discover.

I am not saying goodbye to Brisbane yet, but sadly it is coming. But not for another week, and maybe a liiiiitle longer. I expect to be in Melbourne around mid march.

As always, I will keep you updated!



Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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