Hello Brisbane!

Brisbane, I see you! Sorry I cannot stay, but one good thing about connecting flights is that you can get a pretty good city view coming in to land, even if you cannot explore the city.

Have you had a favourite view from an airplane window? This was a pretty beautiful one, as was my whole view from Sydney up to Townsville.

Update coming soon!

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Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

27 thoughts on “Hello Brisbane!”

    1. No worries, when I have answered all my comments on my last couple posts (I haven’t been able to keep on top recently!) I will provide 🙂


  1. Great view! I recently flew into Brisbane but couldn’t look out of the window (I don’t like flying!)… I now see what I was missing! When I have plucked up the courage to look, Sydney definitely has to be up there – or London at night!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am the same, I always feel a little uneasy flying. However I just have to look regardless, it is the taking off that freaks me out the most, once I am up there it is fine for me. Try looking upon landing, it works for me as I know the ground is only getting closer haha. Sydney and London are two beautiful cities!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m usually ok once I’m up there too (as long the turbulence isn’t too bad!!)! Frequency seems to be the key for me, the more I fly the easier it gets…means I should keep travelling 😀

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    1. Cool, I didn’t know you went up that far to see either! I have seen so many beautiful pictures of Iceland, it is definitely a place I want to go to. I have flown from London to Dallas, maybe I should have looked out my window more!


      1. I didn’t know either. It was beautiful, I think it was Iceland. I was looking and I thought it was so pretty and I looked at the flight tracker and It was one of the land places. So it was a good flight. Yes you probably could of seen it too. I’m not a pilot but I’m glad the pilot went that way.

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      2. I have just realised how many ‘Land’ countries and areas are in this region… England, Scotland, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland… New England… They are all on this similar flight path!

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  2. Hong Kong Harbor is amazing to look at as one is landing or taking off. Then again, if you take off from Reagan National Airport, especially at dusk, Washington is quite nice to look at. And then there is that little airport near Jackson, Wyoming. Wow. And then there the Bend, Oregon airport. No city, but come on. It’s the Cascades and its beautiful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hong Kong has an incredible skyline. And the USA is such a huge nation, I bet there are so many incredible views to look at! From cities to canyons to mountain ranges… Everything really!


  3. I’d first need to win a coin toss with my sister for the window! Entire cities under the cover of a cloud that you’re above provides a real weird perspective and an interesting sight! The people below think it’s a good cloudy day, while you can see the sun above and around them– it’s fun to think about! (And there’s not much else to do when you’re tired of sleeping and haven’t anything to watch or read.)
    Apart from that, I once switched on my iPod’s radio on a flight… I think I got a German station when we happened to fly by there. I don’t think I was supposed to do that. 😛 (Although, thinking of disrupted signals and other stuff eventually spooked me enough to turn it off in a few minutes. Oh well.)

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    1. Haha, they do say keep it on airplane mode! However the plane landed safely so that is the main thing. I often think about how weird it is that we have to endure a cloudy day, when a flight can take off and be in the sunshine above it in just a matter of minutes! Very cool indeed.

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