Thank you to my 6,000 followers!

Six thousand. Wow. It’s hard to wrap my head around it because it’s a pretty big number and I am very grateful to have so many people follow this blog.


What I love about blogging is that I have been doing it for years and I am still not bored of it. That’s because blogging is optional, unlike a job. It can be on whatever topic I want, as long as I want at what time I want. I love the freedom and this is what makes me happy to come back day to day.

It helps keep me productive and stimulated. I have something to focus my attention on and gives me something to aim for. That aim is to keep blogging, growing and hopefully improve my writing and creativity.

So with that, I want to thank you again for reading and for everyone that is following my blog. You are actually the reason that I can enjoy blogging as I know people are enjoying my posts and it is fun to write for people. It also gives me more motivation to travel as I know I can share my stories, and there will be many more stories to come I am sure.

I hope you are all having an awesome day, wherever you are. Keep blogging, and I will see you all again soon for the next post.




Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Want to keep up with my travels? Click here for my Travel Diary

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Happy blogging,


Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

37 thoughts on “Thank you to my 6,000 followers!”

  1. Fantastic and well-deserved. As you know, I’ve found your blog really useful in planning my trip to Australia and I’m obviously not the only one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am really pleased I have been able to help you with some ideas with some of my Australian posts. It is great to read! Thank you for supporting my blog, I am really thankful.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I started blogging in 2014, however I wasn’t anywhere near as active as I am now, I started putting in much more hours when I arrived in Australia, September 2017. Since then I have probably spent between 2-5 hours on my blog each day when I have access to my laptop, and it is very rare for me to have a day when I don’t open my blog.

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