Blogging + time = positive mental health

I really do love scrolling down the Meet and Greet section of my site. Every single day I am getting new additions to this and people seem to really enjoy introducing themselves and having a browse of other blogs. It is great to see and I am pleased I have it on here.

As I have said a few times because of the number of comments I receive here I am not going to try and respond and clog up the feed, I would prefer to leave it clean. I can barely keep up with daily blog comments and my about me section, not that I would consider this a bad thing for a second. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

However every now and then I will spot a contribution that catches my eye. Elizabeth over at Living with Mental Illness asked me a question that I have answered recently in comments, however with the theme of mental illness I will try to answer with this topic incorporated.


How do you reach a larger audience with reads and follows? I would greatly appreciate any advice you can share! Thank you in advance.


I have always wanted to expand my blog as much as I can. Not really out of an ego although we all have one to some extent, but because I would love to reach as many people as possible with my thoughts and opinions. The further we reach, the more people we will meet with the same outlook on life. We will also reach people that disagree but are willing to engage in interesting conversation. The more people I reach, the bigger the audience that would potentially read a book that I may publish further down the line. Also, the opportunities through blogging increase as it grows. Would I like to have a living outside of the 9-5? You bet.

In my late teens and twenties I started suffering from anxiety and a mild form of depression. Not to the extent that some people have it but enough to see me go to therapy for a few months. I realised that the more time I had to be in my head, the more these conditions manifested into something ugly. As a result this totally demotivated me to blog which only went and gave me more free time to think negative thoughts and a whirlpool opened up below me.

Another factor was the nature of my blog. I had a blog that originally started out just as I was leaving religion, and many of my posts would reflect on existential questions and philosophy. Naturally, putting my non religious views out there to the world caused occasional debates and I often went out to seek them. Not to be a troll but because I really wanted the truth. But because of this blogging wasn’t always fun, and when I was feeling very low I needed something (no pun intended!) to raise my spirits. I ignored my blog for this reason as it didn’t appeal to me when I was at my worst.

This inspired me to change up my blog style and theme. I wanted a happier blog full of colour and photographs. I also decided to travel to Australia as I felt this would be a great distraction from my anxiety, and at the same time I could give much more positive blog posts to the world. I am so glad I did this.


One thing that helps keep my my mind stimulated is continuous blogging. I now spend many hours a day here and it is something I love to do. I love watching it grow and everyday is a new challenge to write about something which is a great mental exercise. Now this is the beautiful part. Blogging frequently does more than just keep us stimulated and- hopefully- free from mental anguish. It means more and more people are able to find our blog. People in the same boat and people that would love to see life from our perspective. No one is perfect, and hearing from others with daily struggles reminds us that we are all human and that we shouldn’t strive for perfection.

Despite having this blog since 2014, it was only in September 2017 that I started to really put effort into this website. That was when I landed in Sydney and my motivation to blog increased tenfold. I had a two year working holiday to show family and friends back home and every day was a new experience. But I couldn’t just post and expect people to come over and read. I had to engage too. This is half of what I do everyday, crossing over to other peoples blogs and introducing myself. If I didn’t do this my blog wouldn’t be as popular. I realised that people enjoy conversation. We all do, we are social creatures and a conversation unites us. No one wants to spend all their time reading in the same way we don’t want to simply listen to someone wanting to speak all the time. We like to have a say and make it a conversation rather than a lecture. I have found some amazing blogs and people this way.

I then found myself with a much larger community of people that I was engaging with. The same thing happens when we decide to leave our house and explore the neighborhood… the people that didn’t know we existed do now and are happy to say ‘hey’! It isn’t that people don’t want to speak to us, it is that they aren’t aware that we are here to speak to us in the first place.

I thanked 600 people whilst I was at the Blue Mountains in November 2017 for following my blog, and I expect at the end of the month I will be thanking 7,000. A huge change in 13 months, and that change is all down to the time spent on my blog and engaging with others.


I keep blogging as it has been a great form of therapy, and if I stop I am unsure whether or not I will sink to those depths again. Keeping busy is a great remedy, and I can see why so many people blog. It is the chosen method for many to keep their heads above the water, and at the same time be creative. It is truly turning a negative into a positive and is great to see.

I hope this answered the question, and if anyone has any thoughts on this topic please feel free to let me know. As always, I will see you in the comments!




Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

New to this site? Click here to visit my About My Blog section and Travel Diary

Follow me @samest89 on Instagram and @octstw on Twitter

Want to introduce yourself and your blog and discover new ones? Click here for my meet and greet page.

Happy blogging,


Published by

Dealing with Disorder

A website dedicated to Tourette, OCD and co-occurring conditions. Daily updates celebrating neurodiversity.

69 thoughts on “Blogging + time = positive mental health”

  1. Great to hear all about your story. My blog too has recently become a passion project, and I find it so therapeutic to look through pictures and write up recent travels and experiences. Who knows where it will take me! Looking forward to reading many more of your posts 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you, I love this hobby and loving something is the quickest way to it being successful! I wish you all the best on your blog and hope you keep enjoying this throughout 2019 🙂 I will try to keep up with yours.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for sharing🌸 and I agree. I feel lucky to follow and read you⭐️Writing is so therapeutic for me too. Fortunately it is going better now, but I still writing from my darkness till now, and a lots of other things🦋 I feel good, and ofcourse, it is very nice to get feedback⭐️
    Have a nice day🌸

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Yeah blogging is the perfect theraphy againts deep depression, actually i leave my house without really ‘leaving’, and stuck again with them. Thank God. I found this method of writting to escape the reality but i’m feeling low now. Great to see your positive thought 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for the comments, I am sorry you feel low, try to remain positive and busy and hopefully the feeling will pass. I can only give you advice from my perspective but keeping busy certainly helps me 🙂

      I hope you have a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. love this article so much. you are right indeed, you won’t get the result on thing if you don’t put your effort. I’ve been idle for the last 6 months as I think that I want to be more social in a real life and using social media to get exist once in awhile. I forgot how blogging is so much different than social media, I can share my story the way I want to share without even thinking somebody will like my post or not.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Blogging is more honest I feel, as people aren’t out there trying to look good but speaking honestly and openly about things. I do love social media too however I feel you get to know the person more through this site.

      Thank you for the kind comments 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sam, thank you so much for this post. I’m still very new to blogging so I have a lot to “learn.” I really enjoy your blog and look forward to reading it and seeing your amazing pictures. I will say, I’m jealous of the places you’ve traveled to! Thank you again!!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Great 🙂 I am from the UK, and although I lived in the States in 2010 for a year I haven’t been back since. But I definitely want to in the next couple of years for sure. There are so many places I haven’t visited over there!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Wonderful to hear your story Sam. Glad you had such a happy time down under and I can relate to everything you wrote. Happy blogging into the future. It’s a wonderful hobby to have for sure.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. This is a great read Sam, encouraging to read how blogging has helped you! I love the photos of the blue mountains too! Such a pretty place! I’d love to go back!

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Wow, really interesting, good choice you made there, I’m inspired. Though I’m new to blogging, but I must say it’s really amazing to be able to share your thoughts to the world and help others around you become better. Blogging is fun

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I loved your analogy of leaving the comfort of your home to take a walk in your neighborhood, meeting the people who are in your community. Makes sense! It takes real courage to step out into the “unknown” and make yourself vulnerable to all types of feedback. The honesty you share in your blog makes you authentic and I appreciate that. Best of luck in your future endeavors, Sam! I’m following… 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Hey Sam, several thoughts went through my head while reading this post. First, I have to address the thing about religion. I understand why you wanted to start a new blog but I hope you didn’t doubt your good values in the past because of negative people. I understand 100% why you wanted to leave religion behind. I have been feeling strongly that I want the same thing for the past several years. And recently I made that choice once and for all that organized religion (for me that’s Christianity) is not for me. There are solid reasons for leaving organized religion behind and you should not be doubtful of that. It takes someone with strong critical thinking skills to see all that is messed up in religion. I put it this way: just because some people have had good experiences with religion doesn’t cancel out the fact that I have had bad ones. We have the right to speak about that… I’m not sure if that was your reason for having that other blog, but if so, I get it.

    Also, a person can still have a sense of spirituality without organized religion. And if you want to be an atheist, that’s fine too. The most important thing should be someone’s personal values and you seem to have good ones 🙂 Better than many religious people out there.

    I just made a promise to myself that I won’t engage with trolls. So I don’t have that issue of feeling like I need to stop because of trolls.

    Also, that’s really great that you found that blogging helps you with mental health. I agree with your thoughts 🙂 The great thing is that blogging is a simple way to express one’s self, it’s generally low stress and accessible. You should do it for as long as you want. There really is no reason to stop. ^_^


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for the comments here, lovely to read you have had similar experiences. I really like what you said, particularly ‘just because some people have had good experiences with religion doesn’t cancel out the fact that I have had bad ones.’ It really is true that people feel we should respect something just because they enjoy it, even if it brings misery to so many others.

      Interestingly I didn’t grow up in strict religious family nor did I grow up in a religious country, it was just that I started questioning religion and realised that it is damaging to so many people all over the world. So for that reason it wasn’t for me.

      Thank you again for your insight, it was a fascinating read and glad to see we have a lot in common:)


    1. I think it is a little of both, for me anyway. If I haven’t blogged in a while it can be hard to find the motivation to get going again, and I guess this is the time we have the most material as we haven’t been writing despite having daily experiences to write about…. so maybe it is the ‘getting going’ that is more challenging.

      Thanks for the comment!


  11. I feel this so much! Blogging about my mental health has done wonders to improve it. It’s also a chance for me to turn painful experiences into words that can help someone else’s situation. Like you said, it’s a chance to turn a negative into a positive, and I’m happy to see it happen to other people too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awesome! ‘It’s also a chance for me to turn painful experiences into words that can help someone else’s situation.’ I can relate to this so much and it makes blogging so valuable for the writer and the reader. Long live blogging!

      Thank you for your comments here and all the best 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. You know people usually take their mental health for granted initially and when things get really worse they start working on it.
    Being a Mental Health Advocate, it cringes me when I get cases where people undergo stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, and mental illness!
    My best piece of advice to them is start working on your emotions and then I help them to get out of their mental health illness and eventually reduce their stigma!
    We all experience mental health struggle at some point in our lives and to improve one’s mental health, I’ve written an article, where I’ve covered 7 Emotions to take care of if you have to improve your mental health.

    Do take a read and let me know what you feel.

    Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing the link, it is great that you are working on trying to improve mental health. I do agree we take mental health for granted at times, although it is hard to appreciate it when it is in good health! Sometimes we don’t realise how bad it can get before it is too late, but the important thing is knowing it will improve.

      Thank you and take care!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the link 🙂 Also it is strange that you cannot edit the comment but I can! Being able to change other bloggers comments is a weird feature…

      Anyways I did edit it, but it seems to have not worked. But thank you for posting again. I also have a meet and greet section on my home page if you want to post there if you haven’t already 🙂

      I appreciate the kind words, thank you so much 🙂


    1. Thank you 🙂 I also have a meet and greet section if you haven’t posted there already 🙂

      I wish you all the best on your blog, and thank you so much for the kind words. I hope you’re having a good day!


  13. Great post, Sam. Inspiring to hear how blogging and travelling has improved your mental health and changed your life, somewhat.

    The one thing I would say is don’t belittle your struggles with mental health. You can’t judge your battle with anyone else’s. For me personally, saying “not to the same extent” feels like you are saying your journey wasn’t as hard, and your experience somehow isn’t as important / valid as others. That is not true. I may have just found your blog, but you’ve clearly inspired and helped many people on here already. Keep up the good fight. You’re doing amazingly well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement here. It really does help to read comments such as yours for my personal motivation and gives me reason to keep on blogging. I really do appreciate it.

      And you’re right, we shouldn’t compare our experiences to others. I will make more of an effort to not make comparisons like I did as our own experiences are just as important as anyone’s.

      I really appreciate the time taken to comment and I hope you have had a great weekend.


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