I’ve publicised my blog and I don’t know what to do now.

I have used this image recently but I don’t care, it works beautifully with a post about indecisiveness. I have made the decision to share my posts on other social media platforms as I felt it was the right time, however with this wonder whether I should post less frequently.


I am currently blogging at least once a day and only being on one platform still requires a lot of free time as many of you know. The first hour of my day is spent responding to your comments, and I would never not respond to comments. Also taking time to look at my About Me and Introduce Yourself section’s and trying to check out blogs really makes time fly by. Then I upload a post and engage with you all on an evening. But this means that every post is pretty short in length and I am wondering if cutting down and maybe posting 3 or 4 times a week would be beneficial moving forward.

This would mean that I could maybe type more lengthy and in depth posts, however honestly fear I may not see as much engagement with followers if it is not as frequent. It has made such a difference to me posting daily and this is why I have kept it up. It also helps keep me motivated to carry on. But I know that many of you are on social media too and of course taking more time out here would mean I could see you all on Instagram and Twitter more.

I am really shit at multi tasking. I find it much easier to watch all the plates fall than to jog back and forth between them and keep them spinning. But if I take just a tiny step back on WordPress I think I could manage a little better. Or maybe I will just bite the bullet and keep up the pace and see if I can use social media more often. I’ll sleep on it.

How many of you also use social media? How do you balance the time and do you use certain platforms more than others? Let me know as I would greatly appreciate the feedback!



Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

New to this site? Click here to visit my About My Blog section and Travel Diary

Follow me @samest89 on Instagram and @octstw on Twitter

Want to introduce yourself and your blog and discover new ones? Click here for my meet and greet page.



I’m expanding my blog!

So recently I have looked at other social media platforms out there, some I have been on and some I haven’t, as it would be great to share my posts in other ways.

I have been blogging pretty much anonymously until recently, I did not tell my close family until last year and have only told a handful of friends in recent months. I didn’t want the attention whilst I blogged as some posts had opinions and feelings I wasn’t really comfortable with sharing. But I am now coming out of my blogger shell more and wanting to share my posts with others, especially now my blog has been documenting the amazing trips and experiences I have been having.

For that reason I have linked to both my Instagram and Twitter. Instagram I have had for a number of years and Twitter since… 1pm today. I currently have 0 followers there and would like to increase that by a couple.

My Instagram is @samest89 if anyone would like to follow

My Twitter is @octstw, an acronym for my new blog title.

Thank you if you have already stepped into my Insta world and gave a like or a follow, these are both HUUUUUUGE platforms to be on so it is only sensible I make an appearance on both and try to make my way on these sites. The majority of posts and pictures you will see will stem from my blog, and I hope you stop by to say hello at some point.

In the upcoming months these will gain momentum, now is a great time to follow as these will start to bloom soon.

Watch this space! (well, over at Instagram and Twitter)…




Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

New to this site? Click here to visit my About My Blog section

Want to keep up with my travels? Click here for my Travel Diary, Instagram and Twitter

Want to introduce yourself and your blog and discover new ones? Click here for my meet and greet page.

Happy blogging,



I don’t know who the lady is in this piece of street art, but she looks like she means business.


She probably just heard the news that Trump has reversed a ban on ‘trophies’ brought into the US consisting of elephant body parts killed in hunts. A move that has infuriated many people, including animal lover Ricky Gervais.

Maybe it’s not that. Maybe she wants gender neutral bathrooms. Maybe she doesn’t?

Who knows, there are so many avenues for us to vent anger and frustration in the world, maybe she just wants to climb down from the wall and have a beer in the Irish bar a couple blocks down. Heck, after a few beers there I may build up the Dutch courage to talk to her and ask how she is feeling myself.

Making the iPhone great again!

To segue beautifully from my earlier post today, an Apple/consumer story right in the heart of Sydney’s CBD.

I walked by this sign as I was entering the Apple Store on George Street after an appointment with one of the geniuses. If you didn’t know what happened, I dropped my iPhone in water and unfortunately I just have to wait for it to shut down. So far it seems fine, although it can be troublesome when trying to charge.

I noticed a few people, but not too many, queuing outside the store. The message on the board- organised by Youtuber Dave Lee- states that they are building ‘the worlds longest line’ and to join the queue you need to head to the Facebook group ‘We Are Making iPhone Great Again’.

Sadly, I cannot find the Facebook page.

It reflects what I was saying in my most recent post The Biggest Insult is to be Considered Normal, with the trend of queuing outside of our favourite stores for hours or even days for the latest product. It seems this time round people wanted the glory of being first without the effort. 

Is this a sign that people are less interested in being the first for a product that millions will inevitably buy, or that consumers want the glory without the commitment?

Featured Image: @lukehopewell