Will you miss anything about lockdown?

From Instagram, 29th June 2020.

Covent Garden before the post-lockdown crowds.⁠

1. DSC_0007

I am going to miss the emptier streets in a way, currently 2020 has seen me lose faith in humanity more and more with every month that passes. More reasons to hate each other and less willingness for conversation. So a lonely walk without human interaction is therapeutic.

But then again the lockdown has seen us online more than usual, and this is where trolls and their toxic thoughts reside more than anywhere. At least people are rarely as toxic in person as they are behind a keyboard. We need real life conversations again as talking behind a username is a recipe for disaster.⁠

I have enjoyed the lack of interaction on my walks at times, but then again realise face to face interaction is usually much more pleasant than it is online. So the jam packed tube rides that we all label as ‘unfriendly’ in London will be welcomed with open arms… if I had that much room to do so. The commutes crammed but silent sound like heaven right now.

At this current moment, silence is like gold.

I hope you are managing to avoid the negativity, and more importantly, avoid being sucked into to it. It is contagious and sticks to you like glue. And once in that negative headspace it is hard to make that shift towards happiness again.

Stay motivated, stay optimistic and we will get through this, whatever it is that you are personally fighting for.



Due to the Coronavirus outbreak I am somewhat limited as to what I can do in London, but I aim to post as much as I can during this time. I promise to have some great posts coming your way once this is all over as I continue to explore London.

Stay safe and happy blogging!



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The desperate need for conversation

‘We have never been so connected, yet feel so disconnected’.

It is a quote that has been repeating in my head every day since I heard it. And it couldn’t be more true. At least in the city I currently call home, London. This was the scene a few days back when a right-wing protester found himself over no mans land and into what he considers enemy territory.


The man carrying him, Patrick Hutchinson, noticed that he was in serious trouble and hurt, and carried him to police. He didn’t want to add fuel to the fire of the far right group and give an excuse for them to protest further. I am sure the white man respects this move, even if reluctantly so. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and I am sure this moment will be remembered by both.

We humans don’t give conversation a chance all too often. The chances are if we disagree on something, we walk a very thin tightrope of discourse. We are emotional beings and show our emotion very easily. And the other person reads this emotion and bam, gets emotional as a result. A snowballing of emotions and a lack of willingness to listen kicks in, and before we know it our aim isn’t to understand the opposition, but to defend our position. A shouting contest. An ego trip. Sometimes, violence. We see this everywhere, from the streets to our parliamentary debates. If our leaders are susceptible to losing composure and even the odd fistfight, what standard are we expected to live by?


I am not sure if social media has ruined conversation, but it isn’t promoting it. Everything about a post is designed to boost our ego. There is a reason we are unable to dislike a Facebook status…. who is going to dislike it? We surround ourselves with people that think like us and if someone was to keep disliking our posts? Delete. Goodbye, friend.

Who needs that kind of negativity anyway? Not me.

But it is pretty vital. The more we surround ourselves with like minded people the less prepared we are socially for disagreement. At the same time, trolls and the very nature of being behind a username means we can be even more cruel to those that disagree with us. So now we are being more harsh than usual to a group we hardly engage with anyway… so if these groups find a day to meet in the street, why would we expect anything less than violence?

Saying that, most protests have been peaceful. However unfortunately as I type this, news is breaking that three people have been stabbed to death in a park in Reading, UK. More people have been injured in the incident. Living in an online world, word got out fast. And with that, assumptions were made fast. Especially with it taking place in a park hours after a BLM protest took place.

And this to me showed how much of a mess we are in.

-Racists blaming black people for the attack.

-Black people worried that right wing protesters carried it out.

-Media breaking news with ‘Stabbing at Black Lives Matter protest’ despite the earlier protest being peaceful and already finished

-Tweets from angry white people believing this headline is assuming white people went to carry out an attack without waiting for more information

-Tweets from angry black people feeling this headline suggests BLM protesters turned violent

I also read a tweet from a black Twitter user accusing the BBC of racism for the ‘Stabbing at BLM protest’ headline, despite the journalist in the article being black himself, and possibly worried that this ‘stabbing at BLM protest’ may have been carried out by a white protester.

The thing is, when we feel our beliefs are being targeted, any headline can seem like it is against us. ‘Stabbing at BLM Protest’ can sound both pro-BLM or anti-BLM. The perspective that hits us the hardest is the one we tend to stick with.

I refreshed the article as the evening went on (Saturday, 20th June, yesterday when this post is published), to see the headline edited from ‘Stabbing at BLM protest’ to ‘Stabbing at BLM protest site’ to ‘Reading stabbing attack.’ However those initial few hours of very little information had some people incredibly convinced they knew exactly what happened, by who and why. We can’t even wait for the information to come out before we need to tell everyone how we feel, and this is worrying in a world that seems more unstable as the months go by. We need conversation more than ever.

Protests aren’t conversation. They might be good at making governments act when tensions are highest, but the opposition in the general population aren’t really affected. Not in an educational sense at least.

Lets picture an angry mob of fifty white men, all in their 20’s-60’s marching down the street to confront BLM protesters, as seen recently in British cities. Do we really think the guy three rows from the front is reading the ‘No to Racism!‘ sign 50 meters away behind a line of police and a cloud of tear gas… with an aim of being educated? Are they really listening to the protesters as they try to drown out the chants with football songs that they haven’t been able to sing in the past few months without football? Maybe one or two protesters, if I am being optimistic. Away from a protest being used as an uprising against a government (which can be effective and caused the Minneapolis City Council to consider dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department), it is merely a shouting contest to boost ones ego. I cannot imagine too many people on both sides of a protest going home feeling they have learned something new like it was a walk to a college lecture. And not much changes when we go home and online to give further thoughts on how we feel.

Instagram Stories. Facebook Statuses. Twitter comments. They are all methods we use to tell everyone how we feel, and what’s right. They are all ways for us to tell everyone we are right, and that you should listen. And it isn’t working. The less time spent having conversation is more time the gap between the left and right has to widen. The differences become bigger. The hatred becomes more fierce. And the internet is not helping.

We need a way to promote conversation and be willing to engage with the opposition without being seen as the opposition. Sticking with our tribe is great for strength in numbers, but terrible for education. Being in a group of like minded individuals, what do we learn? Absolutely nothing. As a leftist (that is becoming ever more frustrated with the supposed left) we should be wanting to engage with those that have a difference of opinion if we are to find some common ground to build on. Understand the reasoning behind thoughts, engaging in conversation and educating. But I am seeing it less and less, the right and the left are becoming harder to differentiate.

The right needs to stop using violence as communication, and the left needs to have more patience in conversation.

That’s my thoughts on what is going on right now, and I would love to hear how you agree or disagree on this.



Featured Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

The new plan

For the first time, I have linked my blog to other platforms and although it felt great, felt very weird. I have had this space to write for a few years now but only two days ago felt like it was the right time to push it further and export to social media. I saw a surge in views in doing so, in fact despite not posting anything yesterday it was my biggest day for views.

I have read all your feedback regarding what to do next now that I am publicizing posts, and I thank everyone that contributed to this. I have literally hundreds of comments on my last post helping me out with advice and personal experience moving forward and it has given me a much better insight as to what to do next.


Many of you use social media to share your blogs. Some find certain platforms better than others, I guess it depends on the style of blog as well as a bunch of other factors. But what is a common theme is that it has been really beneficial moving forward. It opens up a whole new world of potential readers and for that it would be silly not to. That is of course if the aim is to grow your blog. Not everyone has this desire.

Since doing so I have had a surge in views. Like I mentioned earlier, I had more views yesterday than I ever have previously. This shows how impactful Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and the like are with such huge audiences. They are also platforms that we have well established over the years, it isn’t like we are building these up from scratch.

What I also learned through your feedback is that most of you wouldn’t mind if I took a step back from daily posts and maybe limiting it to 3-4 times a week instead, many of you stating this may even be better in the long run. Not posting yesterday was a great way for me to take a breather and dedicate a day to comments and more engagement on WordPress and other social media. It means I have longer to think up posts without rushing them out there, as well as balance my time between WP, Insta, Twitter and FB. This was my main fear publicizing, blogging daily and finding time to use all of these.

So here is the new plan:

Monday: Blog

Tuesday: Don’t blog

Wednesday: Blog

Thursday: Don’t blog

Friday: Blog

Saturday: Don’t Blog

Sunday: Blog

It’s like a shit Craig David song however I feel it will be really beneficial for me now that I am using more than just WP. And thanks for your help coming to this conclusion, it really is appreciated.




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A sneak peak at the view from Brisbane’s tallest building!

Yesterday I took a walk through the Botanic Gardens and gazed up at the new Skytower. I decided to do a quick post as it has grown to be the tallest building in Brisbane and the third tallest in Australia.


I want to say thank you to @emilyblackwrites for allowing me to share this next view from what seems to be the very top of the building. It is a great shot looking down at the gardens I was walking through in my featured image.

What a great shot! The gardens look tiny from here, as does everything. To think this is going to be the daily view for hundreds of residents is something to envy, but thanks to Instagram we all get to share it for a moment.

What do you think of the building? Let me know!


Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Follow me @samest89 on Instagram and @octstw on Twitter

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Happy blogging,


I’m expanding my blog!

So recently I have looked at other social media platforms out there, some I have been on and some I haven’t, as it would be great to share my posts in other ways.

I have been blogging pretty much anonymously until recently, I did not tell my close family until last year and have only told a handful of friends in recent months. I didn’t want the attention whilst I blogged as some posts had opinions and feelings I wasn’t really comfortable with sharing. But I am now coming out of my blogger shell more and wanting to share my posts with others, especially now my blog has been documenting the amazing trips and experiences I have been having.

For that reason I have linked to both my Instagram and Twitter. Instagram I have had for a number of years and Twitter since… 1pm today. I currently have 0 followers there and would like to increase that by a couple.

My Instagram is @samest89 if anyone would like to follow

My Twitter is @octstw, an acronym for my new blog title.

Thank you if you have already stepped into my Insta world and gave a like or a follow, these are both HUUUUUUGE platforms to be on so it is only sensible I make an appearance on both and try to make my way on these sites. The majority of posts and pictures you will see will stem from my blog, and I hope you stop by to say hello at some point.

In the upcoming months these will gain momentum, now is a great time to follow as these will start to bloom soon.

Watch this space! (well, over at Instagram and Twitter)…




Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Want to keep up with my travels? Click here for my Travel Diary, Instagram and Twitter

Want to introduce yourself and your blog and discover new ones? Click here for my meet and greet page.

Happy blogging,


Behind the Artwork

On my recent visit to the Blue Mountains, I shared quite a few photos from Beverly Place, a street locally known for it’s impressive artwork. One of the pictures that caught my eye in particular was this one of a young girl with the Blue Mountains in the background.

In fact, I appreciated the realism in her face that much that I have only just noticed the Blue Mountains backdrop as I upload it again. I love the blue theme running through the image and to make the face so realistic on a brick wall is very impressive to me.

To the right of her face I can see the artist is ADNATE, and he has a website displaying his artwork as well an Instagram. An insight into the artist can be found on his website bio, which reads:

“Adnate is an artist that realises his portraits in spray paint. He has moved past his roots in Street Art, utilising the medium to carry his realist style into the fine art realm.

Heavily influenced by the chiaroscuro of renaissance painters like Caravaggio, Adnate embraces portraiture like the masters of the XXI Century.

Adnate has always held a connection towards indigenous people of their native land, especially with Indigenous Australians.  He paints large scale murals in the main cities around Australia and the world, creating a statement of reclaiming the land that was always theirs.  He endeavours to capture the stories and emotions of each subject he paints, encouraging the audience to feel through their own experience.”

I would really recommend checking out this guys portfolio, his artwork is stunning and this one on display in Katoomba is a great example.


Artist: ADNATE

Location: Katoomba (Blue Mountains), New South Wales 

Website: https://www.adnate.com.au/

Insta: @adnate


Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Happy blogging,


If you could tag yourself in any moment in history…

If you could take a selfie (or just a photograph in general) from anytime in history before cameras were available, what or where would it be?

I think for me it would be somewhere surrounded in mystery, the Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge or Machu Picchu. Somewhere where we can only try to imagine what went on during the construction and the ways in which they completed it.

Would it be a place or a building? Would it be next to someone or something? It is pretty amazing to think we have only just left the era in which everything had to be written down for us to understand what went on and what life looked like. Where painting were the closest we got to photographs, and some paintings did a damn good job.


We can now screenshot life as we see it through our eyes without having to memorise it for us to describe later. No replicas or descriptions, the actual view. It is pretty incredible.

Let me know where you would tagged yourself in history if you had the chance.


Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash


Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Happy blogging!

Fact check everything!

I woke up today with an image that a couple of people shared to their social media. It was the image of nightmares, an aggressive bear entering a tent and growling at it’s next victim. Here is the image.

If you have seen the image shared, or shared it yourself, you will probably have a description that goes a little like this.

Michio Hoshino, a photographer known for his pictures of bears and other wildlife, was mauled to death by a brown bear on the Kamchatka Peninsula in eastern Russia. He was in his mid-40’s and lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. This is the last photo he took.

This isn’t the last photo he took.

Michio Hoshino was indeed a photographer. He was also killed by a bear. But this doesn’t mean any photo with a bear and the attached text is all it seems. Just a 30 second Google tells us that this isn’t a genuine photo, but a photoshop used in a competition.

Over at Snopes, they provided a little insight to the origin after the image went viral.

It’s an entry from a Worth1000 Photoshop competition in which contestants were tasked with creating “a last-photo hoax: the final photograph of the victim, whoever he might be, had a camera on him right before ‘it’ happens.

This blog as far back as 2009 also analyses the image. With the title ‘About Alleged Michio Hoshino’s Last Image of a Bear’, the author studies the image in more depth, with an update that ‘the photo was photoshopped by user BonnySaintAndrew as a an entry for a Final Photo 9 contest’. It also looks into the lighting in the photo considering the attack occurred around 4am.

Of course I could spend all day fact checking the fact checkers, but this would take me all the way back to the deadly event in 1996. But as always, if it seems to incredible to be true, it probably is.

This doesn’t mean there aren’t incredible photos out there. There have been so many that I have seen and thought ‘that has to be fake, come on!’ before looking it up and finding out it is indeed a genuine. There are photos even crazier than this one. The first one that springs to mind is camera footage of a Bigfin Squid found by a deep-sea camera operated by a drilling company in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Now I am not sure if this specific photo is genuine, however finding the video footage of the encounter shows that this is exactly what it looks like. I believe this image was a zoom out of that camera, and even if this is a fake, it is still nowhere near as eerie as the actual video footage when it was unexpectedly seen.

I don’t want to be a bore and call out all amazing yet fake photos, I just think it would be much better if we filter out the fakes and enjoy the genuine crazy occurances that are captured by our amazing little pocket devices. 

I know as the day goes on, that bear photo will continue to be shared. There will be hundreds more comments of ‘hey, that’s incredible!’, ‘scary shit!’ and so on. Yet it takes less than a minute to find the genuine source and the specific photoshopper. Is it any wonder we live in a world of lies and deceit when they can spread like wildfire online? Why spend time researching the facts when it takes less time to simply believe. This is why we have so many conspiracies, and religions determined by geographical location more than evidence. This is why I find it so fun to do a little research, the most interesting caves are the ones that are waiting to be discovered!


I don’t know who the lady is in this piece of street art, but she looks like she means business.


She probably just heard the news that Trump has reversed a ban on ‘trophies’ brought into the US consisting of elephant body parts killed in hunts. A move that has infuriated many people, including animal lover Ricky Gervais.

Maybe it’s not that. Maybe she wants gender neutral bathrooms. Maybe she doesn’t?

Who knows, there are so many avenues for us to vent anger and frustration in the world, maybe she just wants to climb down from the wall and have a beer in the Irish bar a couple blocks down. Heck, after a few beers there I may build up the Dutch courage to talk to her and ask how she is feeling myself.

Making the iPhone great again!

To segue beautifully from my earlier post today, an Apple/consumer story right in the heart of Sydney’s CBD.

I walked by this sign as I was entering the Apple Store on George Street after an appointment with one of the geniuses. If you didn’t know what happened, I dropped my iPhone in water and unfortunately I just have to wait for it to shut down. So far it seems fine, although it can be troublesome when trying to charge.

I noticed a few people, but not too many, queuing outside the store. The message on the board- organised by Youtuber Dave Lee- states that they are building ‘the worlds longest line’ and to join the queue you need to head to the Facebook group ‘We Are Making iPhone Great Again’.

Sadly, I cannot find the Facebook page.

It reflects what I was saying in my most recent post The Biggest Insult is to be Considered Normal, with the trend of queuing outside of our favourite stores for hours or even days for the latest product. It seems this time round people wanted the glory of being first without the effort. 

Is this a sign that people are less interested in being the first for a product that millions will inevitably buy, or that consumers want the glory without the commitment?

Featured Image: @lukehopewell