The desperate need for conversation

‘We have never been so connected, yet feel so disconnected’.

It is a quote that has been repeating in my head every day since I heard it. And it couldn’t be more true. At least in the city I currently call home, London. This was the scene a few days back when a right-wing protester found himself over no mans land and into what he considers enemy territory.


The man carrying him, Patrick Hutchinson, noticed that he was in serious trouble and hurt, and carried him to police. He didn’t want to add fuel to the fire of the far right group and give an excuse for them to protest further. I am sure the white man respects this move, even if reluctantly so. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and I am sure this moment will be remembered by both.

We humans don’t give conversation a chance all too often. The chances are if we disagree on something, we walk a very thin tightrope of discourse. We are emotional beings and show our emotion very easily. And the other person reads this emotion and bam, gets emotional as a result. A snowballing of emotions and a lack of willingness to listen kicks in, and before we know it our aim isn’t to understand the opposition, but to defend our position. A shouting contest. An ego trip. Sometimes, violence. We see this everywhere, from the streets to our parliamentary debates. If our leaders are susceptible to losing composure and even the odd fistfight, what standard are we expected to live by?


I am not sure if social media has ruined conversation, but it isn’t promoting it. Everything about a post is designed to boost our ego. There is a reason we are unable to dislike a Facebook status…. who is going to dislike it? We surround ourselves with people that think like us and if someone was to keep disliking our posts? Delete. Goodbye, friend.

Who needs that kind of negativity anyway? Not me.

But it is pretty vital. The more we surround ourselves with like minded people the less prepared we are socially for disagreement. At the same time, trolls and the very nature of being behind a username means we can be even more cruel to those that disagree with us. So now we are being more harsh than usual to a group we hardly engage with anyway… so if these groups find a day to meet in the street, why would we expect anything less than violence?

Saying that, most protests have been peaceful. However unfortunately as I type this, news is breaking that three people have been stabbed to death in a park in Reading, UK. More people have been injured in the incident. Living in an online world, word got out fast. And with that, assumptions were made fast. Especially with it taking place in a park hours after a BLM protest took place.

And this to me showed how much of a mess we are in.

-Racists blaming black people for the attack.

-Black people worried that right wing protesters carried it out.

-Media breaking news with ‘Stabbing at Black Lives Matter protest’ despite the earlier protest being peaceful and already finished

-Tweets from angry white people believing this headline is assuming white people went to carry out an attack without waiting for more information

-Tweets from angry black people feeling this headline suggests BLM protesters turned violent

I also read a tweet from a black Twitter user accusing the BBC of racism for the ‘Stabbing at BLM protest’ headline, despite the journalist in the article being black himself, and possibly worried that this ‘stabbing at BLM protest’ may have been carried out by a white protester.

The thing is, when we feel our beliefs are being targeted, any headline can seem like it is against us. ‘Stabbing at BLM Protest’ can sound both pro-BLM or anti-BLM. The perspective that hits us the hardest is the one we tend to stick with.

I refreshed the article as the evening went on (Saturday, 20th June, yesterday when this post is published), to see the headline edited from ‘Stabbing at BLM protest’ to ‘Stabbing at BLM protest site’ to ‘Reading stabbing attack.’ However those initial few hours of very little information had some people incredibly convinced they knew exactly what happened, by who and why. We can’t even wait for the information to come out before we need to tell everyone how we feel, and this is worrying in a world that seems more unstable as the months go by. We need conversation more than ever.

Protests aren’t conversation. They might be good at making governments act when tensions are highest, but the opposition in the general population aren’t really affected. Not in an educational sense at least.

Lets picture an angry mob of fifty white men, all in their 20’s-60’s marching down the street to confront BLM protesters, as seen recently in British cities. Do we really think the guy three rows from the front is reading the ‘No to Racism!‘ sign 50 meters away behind a line of police and a cloud of tear gas… with an aim of being educated? Are they really listening to the protesters as they try to drown out the chants with football songs that they haven’t been able to sing in the past few months without football? Maybe one or two protesters, if I am being optimistic. Away from a protest being used as an uprising against a government (which can be effective and caused the Minneapolis City Council to consider dismantling the Minneapolis Police Department), it is merely a shouting contest to boost ones ego. I cannot imagine too many people on both sides of a protest going home feeling they have learned something new like it was a walk to a college lecture. And not much changes when we go home and online to give further thoughts on how we feel.

Instagram Stories. Facebook Statuses. Twitter comments. They are all methods we use to tell everyone how we feel, and what’s right. They are all ways for us to tell everyone we are right, and that you should listen. And it isn’t working. The less time spent having conversation is more time the gap between the left and right has to widen. The differences become bigger. The hatred becomes more fierce. And the internet is not helping.

We need a way to promote conversation and be willing to engage with the opposition without being seen as the opposition. Sticking with our tribe is great for strength in numbers, but terrible for education. Being in a group of like minded individuals, what do we learn? Absolutely nothing. As a leftist (that is becoming ever more frustrated with the supposed left) we should be wanting to engage with those that have a difference of opinion if we are to find some common ground to build on. Understand the reasoning behind thoughts, engaging in conversation and educating. But I am seeing it less and less, the right and the left are becoming harder to differentiate.

The right needs to stop using violence as communication, and the left needs to have more patience in conversation.

That’s my thoughts on what is going on right now, and I would love to hear how you agree or disagree on this.



Featured Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

The lone violinist

It was a walk on the 18th May to Piccadilly Circus, a difficult time in a difficult year. Now I look back, it was an easier time in an increasingly more difficult year. The quiet walk absent of footsteps other than my own, very few cars and birdsong heard above anything else.

Then, the sound of music slowly getting louder, a busker playing without an audience to hear it.


She played between the boarded up doors of the businesses behind her, all around her in fact. The only life coming from the huge advertisement boards Piccadilly Circus is known for, advertising to an empty square. For the rare photo opportunity I put some money in her collection case, probably a quid or two, whatever spare change I had on me. Being a professional she hardly acknowledged it as I did, as if I was the hundredth person to do it that day.

Come to think of it, I probably should have counted the coins in there. I wonder how much interaction she had seen that afternoon.


The only interaction I had seen was this deliveryman standing beside her. Giving her encouragement or asking for her number? Waiting for his next collection or waiting for a song request? I am not sure, but she hardly gave him a look. Whatever it was the attendance doubled in that moment.


A couple days later I was taking photos close to Westminster, when the streets were a little quieter and before the barbaric murder of George Floyd. It’s crazy how bad we think 2020 is, until we give it another month. Now, protests have marched through these streets and the statues that I saw couldn’t be more fitting.

Nelson Mandela, and Millicent Fawcett, individuals pursuing the goal of equality and freedom, immortalized as statues not far from the Houses of Parliament. Other statues have been vandalized or even taken down due to connections with slavery.

DSC_0121DSC_0131 (2)

After all these years we still need to fight for such freedoms. Even if we are slowly chiseling away at the rock of inequality there is still a long way to go. And every day there is evidence of this around the world. The buildings are nice but it isn’t just buildings that need to be worked on over time, human rights need to move along with it.


It makes me wonder how far into the future we will have to look to find a humanity confident that it is being treated fairly across the board. Will we have to wait for the inevitable merge of ethnicities in the coming centuries? Or will it be before then? What we do know is that it isn’t now, clearly what we have isn’t working.

What we need more than ever is conversation. It isn’t necessarily the difference of opinion that is causing problems, but our way of managing it. Our inability to sit and talk about topics we have different stances on, and our lack of ability to want to change our opinions also. From the left to the right, the problem seems consistent across the board. We won’t get anywhere without conversation, and this has to be promoted on social media, in the workplace, in our governments.

I just hope that this conversation begins before we get too disconnected with each other.

‘We have never been so connected, whilst being so disconnected’




Due to the Coronavirus outbreak I am somewhat limited as to what I can do in London, but I aim to post as much as I can during this time. I promise to have some great posts coming your way once this is all over as I continue to explore London.

Stay safe and happy blogging!






Always have a plan B…

Well I’m not getting anywhere fast…

You don’t expect such a disruption when walking, sometimes in traffic yes but rarely is even the footpath of a busy street in the CBD off limits. It was all good though, I went back down one block and the next street along was still open.

This happened on Friday, and wasn’t sure what it was about. I didn’t have time, this made me a little late however if people are willing to lie down in the middle of the crossroad my problems are small in comparison.

I was told by someone next to me that one of the signs had the word ‘bastards’ on it, so they certainly weren’t happy about something.

That something I have found out is climate change. Or a lack of action I guess. After a quick Google this article from The Age mentions a protest on this street, at the same time I took the photo. It was around noon and apparently protesters played dead in the street to stage a mock extinction. I am not sure if people caught a better view of it from the other side however all I could see was a line of police and horses.

Thankfully this protest wasn’t moving, so I didn’t really need a plan B other than run back and around another block. But sometimes we need plan B’s even in times when we can’t think of a reason why we would even need one. And it is funny how helpless we are when we are so used to a routine and one thing changes. Like a police line blocking the way. If this protest was bigger and blocking the whole of Bourke Street that I was about to cross, I would have been like ‘what the hell do I do?’… like a goldfish in a bowl with nowhere to go. I only ever give myself a few minutes to spare when heading to work everyday as I live so close, and moments like this remind me why that can be silly.



Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Happy blogging,



Duck me…

Spotted this a few days ago as I headed to the Botanic Gardens in Brisbane. There was a protest going on, and behind it a huge rubber duck that stole the show.

I am not sure if the duck is linked to the protest, I doubt it, however they were there at the same time.

*UPDATE: Thank you to Gretchen over at Thoughts Become Words for letting me know this duck is promoting ‘Australia’s biggest duck race’ for cancer research. You can visit the website by clicking here to donate. The event is on Riverside Drive, West End, Brisbane on Sunday 14th October between 11am and 5pm.


Thank you again to all my followers and regular readers, and hello to you if you are new to my blog!

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Want to keep up with my travels? Click here for my Travel Diary

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Anonymous, or a branch of Anonymous focused on animal welfare, are currently occupying Pitt Street in Sydney. They are standing in a square, facing outward to the crowd with laptops and screens displaying the abuse animals suffer for our consumption.

Before anyone assumes this is a post on one particular side of the fence, I am not vegetarian or a vegan. I do have days in which I question myself, especially in the presence of such footage. I won’t show the footage, just some shots of the group.



I personally love seeing people fight for a cause that promotes a better life for others and animals. More can be read of this ‘Cube of Truth’ in this Guardian Article. Despite the fact that I haven’t changed my diet, it is something that I consider regularly. No doubt I am lazy by a vegans standards and a wuss by fellow meat eaters.

What makes me consider the welfare of others and animals more than anything is our lack of willingness to be conscious. We didn’t ask to be born with such a sensitive central nervous system, nor be asked to be born at all. Our lives ultimately lie in the hands of those that are stronger than we are, considering this we were pretty damn lucky to be born human. Only some of us, the ones with enough liberty to be able to read this post in relative comfort. This doesn’t mean we humans are sitting happily at the top of the food chain, we may not (currently) be turned into human nuggets served with fries at some intergalactic music festival but we sure get fucked in different ways. Often how fucked we will be can be predicted whilst we are still in the womb. The slaves of tomorrow haven’t even been born yet to know this. That is what makes me consider ethics and morality more than anything.